Older Appointments

Joanne Maillet-Fox @Ideal Protein

Joanne Maillet-Fox was recruited by Ideal Protein as Clinic Engagement Manager, Atlantic Canada in Halifax. Previously, she had worked at Associated Maritime Pharmacies Guardian Group.

Alyne Teixeira @McCann Health Medical Communications

Alyne Teixeira is taking up the duties of Associate Medical Writer at McCann Health Medical Communications in Halifax.

Gordana Landygo @Allergan

Gordana Landygo was recruited by Allergan as a Clinical Specialist Facial Aesthetics in Winnipeg. She was employed before as a Covid Response Team Registered Nurse at Shared Health Services Manitoba.

Amir Alavi @Haleon

Amir Alavi is no longer with Nova Scotia Health Authority. From now on, he is going to be Medical Affairs Senior Scientist at Haleon in Halifax.

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