

How AI Will Transform the Pharmaceutical Sector

The search for new biological targets, assessment of the toxicity of molecules for medicines, optimization of clinical trial procedures, the innovative path towards personalized medicine… Here is a small glimpse of the potential for artificial intelligence in the pharmaceutical sector, in full growth right here in Canada. DNA alone contains 100 million base pairs. Elements, […]


Professional Co-Development in Health – It’s a Winner!

Have you ever heard about professional co-development? This process, developed in Quebec at the end of the 1990’s, sets theory aside and builds on the knowledge acquired in the field for developing professional skills. Here’s how it’s done. A group of four to eight people meets every five or six weeks over at least one […]


How to Assert Your Personality With a Recruiter

To stand out, skills are not enough – you have to know how to arouse the recruiter’s interest by highlighting your personality. How do you achieve this in a résumé, on social media? Tips. Targeting the required personal qualities Showcasing your personality is a good way of enhancing your candidacy and eliciting a call from […]


Nursing Staff: State of Play

The Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec (OIIQ) has just published its portrait of Quebec’s nursing staff. State of play of the profession and labour requirements. Increase in the number of nurses For 2017-2018, the OIIQ reports an increase of 0.6% in nursing staff, a trend that has continued “for almost 20 years”, according […]


3 Years: The Ideal Duration of a Job (According to Employers)

Staying in a job for 3 years would be the ideal duration for employers, according to Indeed. For employees… six months! Results of a survey on perceptions of professional leapfrogging. In 2018, professionals are changing career often and accumulating more jobs than the baby boomers did. Adaptability, curiosity, variety and volatility: these are the values […]


Nurses – How to Keep Morale Up

Although the physical and psychological challenges of nursing staff concern both political, hospital and union leaders, within the team nurses’ equilibrium depends on individual determining factors. What are they? Recognition Expressions of gratitude by patients and families is by far one of the leading sources of motivation for nurses. “The thanks from patients and their […]


Brown-Out: When You Lose Motivation at Work

It’s a new form of work-related depression that may well become more common in the coming years. Brown-out, which literally refers to a “drop in power”, affects more and more workers. But what is this new disorder and what are the symptoms to watch out for? Brown-out must not be confused with burn-out, which describes […]


Unplugging During the Holidays – Mission Impossible?

Year after year, studies show that Canadians still struggle to disconnect from work during the holidays. And it’s going from bad to worse, according to a new survey conducted by the Accountemps recruitment firm. Gone are the days when the computer was shut down after having summarily programmed an out-of-office autoreply message. Today, with a […]


Back in traction

You know the feeling. It starts with a slight twinge in the lower back; it later becomes a recurring pain and ends with chronic back problems. Only once we are incapacitated do we finally make the move and see the doctor. Unfortunately, and all too often, a nice spell in traction is the solution, to […]


Too much work is bad for your health

A recent study goes against the cliché that work and staying busy are good for you, showing that spending too many hours at work a day increases heart attack risk. Should Canadians, who work the fourth-longest hours in the world, be on the lookout for heart attacks? Yes, according to a University College London team […]

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